Today is a very special day! It is my one year 'Blogoversary'! Is that really even a word?!? It is so hard to believe that it has really been one full year since I started this blog. I know I've been saying this a lot lately, but time really is flying by. The past few years have been quite difficult for my family and me - that is for sure. However, this past year was made a tad bit easier once I finally decided to attempt this crazy thing called blogging! I have truly loved having a place where I can come and write whatever I want, whenever I want. And I have shared it all; the good times and the bad, the successes and the failures, the celebrations and the disappointments, etc. I have shared about my health, my heart, my faith, my family and everything in-between. In return, I've learned SO much from SO many and I've met some of the most amazing people from all over this world; some who have even become some of the best friends I've ever had! It has been one heck of a year and I'm truly proud to call this little corner of the blogosphere my home!
Thank you, my friends, for spending your time with me. Thanks for reading what I write AND never failing to leave such sweet, encouraging words for me when you stop by. (And for those of you who read but don't comment, I truly appreciate you just as much!) I couldn’t ask for better people in my life and I honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love, encouragement and support. It means the world to me.
May the coming year be just as amazing as the first!
Happy Blogoversary! I feel blessed to have found you here :) Wishing you peace, comfort, and happiness always, my friend!!
Happy 1st blogoversary! :)
Ooh, I am glad to be the first to say congrats! Blogging is such a great hobby and a great support network. Thanks for bringing awarenss to your illness. Take Care!
Happy Blogoversary!
Congrats on your one year blogversary! May U have many many more!!!
That is awesome! Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary!! I will be celebrating mine soon too! :)
Have fun!
Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)
Mother of Pearl It Is
Happy Blogoversary!! ~Bekah R
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!! I love you so much, Mama, and I'm so proud of how far this all has come in just one year. I can't wait to see all the posts for the next year- I hope it keeps growing and getting even better! Praying over this blog each day!
Love ya!
Congratulations!!! You are such an incredible woman and your blog is so inspiring and informative! Thank you so much for the kind words you've given me.
Happy blogoversary and I wish you many more!
Happy blogoversary!!! :)
Isn't it surprissing how wonderful other bloggers are, your post shows that beautifully. Happy blogoversary to you!
I just found you on the over 40 bloghop and hope you will follow me back :)
Have a great Friday!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. This blogging world gets kinda crazy at times, but it truly is a lot of fun ;)
Happy Blogoversary!
Came by the way of Friday follower
Happy Friday too.
Live beautifully, . . .
Happy birthday/blogversary to you and your blog.
Following you from Friendly Friday. Please feel free to visit and follow one of my sites below:
Nostalgic Marveling
Etcetera Etcetera
Obstacles & Glories
Spice Up Your Life
Happy 1 year! Wow, how time does fly. Have a great weekend!
Hello from Follow Friday 40 and Over!
Happy 1st Blog Birthday! I am your newest follower. Hope you get a chance to visit mine too.
Wow congrats Teresa! I'm happy to be one of your fans!!!
Looking forward to many more of your Blogoversary's!!!
Happy 1st Blogiversary! I am so glad this has been such a wonderful outlet for you! I know I am having a blast! :)
Happy Blog Birthday! Thanks for joining my followers. Happy to return the luv and looking forward to getting to know you!
Happy one year blogaversary. Thanks for dropping in on my blog and leaving an insightful comment. I appreciate that. I read several of your posts. So sorry about the passing of your grandma. That is always hard, even when you know they have moved on to a better place. Take care.
Happy Blog Birthday to you! that's exciting! thanks for stopping by and I am following you now too! looking forward to getting to know you.
I'm your newest follower and a fellow believer. Found your blog through Friday Follow. I have a friend with dysautonomia named Lynn Adams...she has written a book about it called "God Needs Me" that is so inspiring to both people who suffer from the condition and those who don't. You can find it on Amazon if you're interested! Please feel free to stop by The Farris Wheel and say hi. :)
Happy blogoversary!!!! I love your blog & I look forward to reading even more great posts!!
You have a wonderful blog! Thanks for finding mine at: http://www.givingnsharing.blogspot.com and http://www.familyliteracyandyou.blogspot.com
I too have a chronic illness - Fibromyalgia and it has been amazing how supportive my internet friends have been. I've been toying with adding ANOTHER blog - but don't know if I can' give it the care and time it would need to grow and so that I can share what life with fibro is like and how we can help others with chronic illnesses. Good for you!
I should tell you I'm now following you on FB, Twitter, and your blog of course.
Thanks for twittering my Brugo Mugs Giveaway. =0) Yay!
Happy blogaversary!
I am a newbie at this stuff called blogging. Following you back from 40 and over. Newbie - I don't even know how to send the comments like you did that have the links within. Please feel free to post comments and suggest topics. Or tell me I am doing something wrong. Hope you are having a great weekend.
That is amazing that you know Lynn! She is a beloved member of my church. It really is a small world! Thanks for coming by my blog and following. :)
Blessings to you today,
Thanks for checking out my blog! I am glad that you are following and now I am following you! I was the #3 for Friday Follow this week.
Congratulations on your accomplishment of 1 year!
And thank you for coming by my blog and for the birthday wishes!!!
Teresa, congratulations on your blogoversary. I haven't talked to you in a while I hope you are doing well.
I can't believe it took you one year to find me or for me to come meet you. Good thing there's more years to come. I am following you and hoping you can teach me something, anything. I love your blog. Thank you for stopping by. I'm off to read some more. Take care and God Bless.
Oh by the way, love the rainbow. God's promise.
Congrats on one year of blogging how exciting! Visiting from NEW FRIEND FRIDAY :)
Happy Belated Blogaversary! Your testimony of strength and courage in adversity is a blessing to the blogging community. Cheers to a new year!
I tried to comment on your rainbow/convenant post, but couldn't find a place. What a special post. I know that any post that includes pictures or writings of my children are always my favorite - like icing on the cake:) What an awesome picture!
happy blogoversary!!! Blogging is such an amazing fun.. glad to know you've gotten something out of it while sharing with others at the same time.
Congrats on your first blogoversary, Teresa!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. You and yours are very inspiring. :-)
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