I can't believe it has already been 2 whole years since my youngest grandson was born. Two. Short. Years. But, then again, sometimes it seems like was an eternity ago. So much has happened along the way. It has been a very rocky road at times.
For those of you who know me 'in real life', you know that I have not seen my two amazing grandsons very much at all in their short lives and that has been so incredibly hard for me. However, things have been looking up a bit lately and I have had the blessing of being able to spend some time with them and their mommy, my oldest daughter. I could not possibly be happier where this is concerned.
18 Mos
This is the very first year of Little Bit's sweet little life that I've been able to see him around his birthday and actually give him a birthday present - in person! It was a couple of weeks ago, but I'll definitely take what I can get!
God is most certainly an awesome God and I am so thankful for His new mercies. Every. Single. Day.

Mimi Loves You!
had me tightly in its grip, but I wanted to get this done
for my Little Bit's special day today, December 1st.
I truly hope you ALL had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
This is a lovely selection of snaps. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Happy Birthday to your little one!
...stopping by from SITS...
Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge
Happy birhaday to your little one!
He is just a cutie!!!!!
Hope you're feeling better really soon!
Teresa , you may not noticed it but i have 2 awards waiting for you on my blog.Visit whenever you get a chance.
hugs hugs
Oh, how time flies, huh!?! He is such a doll and I hope it was a wonderful 2nd celebration.
I'm so glad that you stopped by! It's great to find fellow GA bloggers. I'll be back for sure...
Feel better soon! It looks like you will need all your strength to love on your grandsons! (And especially the birthday boy!)
What a little sweetheart...so adorable.
He's so lucky to have mimi like you, so get better soon.
Happy Birthday to your little one. He is a cutie.
Awwww! Happy Birthday to your grand son...glad you got to spend it with him! hope you feel better soon!
He's adorable. Happy Birthday to that handsome young man! Hope you're feeling better too!
That child is precious.
There are few things better than a picture of a baby and a dog.
Maybe a sandwich, but the dog/baby combo is pretty close.
What a Handsome Guy!
You are in my Prayers... Feel better soon!
love~ janis
aw, my heart just melted with that last picture. I'm so happy to hear that you got to see your grandson for his birthday. It really is so much better to be able to see a child's face when they open that gift you picked out for them.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Your grandson is adorable! Just love that picture of the dog sneaking some quick sugars! lol.
My grandkids live over four hours away and I don't get to see them near enough, so I can relate. Just feel like I'm missing so much of their lives, the little things that happen each day.
I'm glad you got to see him close enough to celebrate his birthday!
Blessings to you,
Your grandson is very handsome. I hope you are feeling better soon. This cold weather is tough on folks who suffer from chronic pain. Stay warm my new friend!
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