The beautiful children of Peru I saw during a medical mission trip there. (Click on the photo to enlarge!)
Edit: I know it was supposed to be completely wordLESS but I couldn't help it. I felt it needed some explanation. I'll do better next week. Maybe. :0)
Edit: I know it was supposed to be completely wordLESS but I couldn't help it. I felt it needed some explanation. I'll do better next week. Maybe. :0)

What a beautiful picture:) Thanks for stopping by my place!
Great picture. Not suppose to be any words under it though. WordLESS wenesday. :)
Wow, just beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your words, it is nice to know I am not alone in my thinking! I look forward to getting to "know" you more and looking around your blog! "Wordless Wednesday" posts nearly always include a comment. You just can't shut me up!
Great photo!
They are adorable :0)
I'm truly honored that you listened to my podcast!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today- I'll be back soon because I don't have much time to read but wanted to say hello while I had a minute.
Precious! What a neat experience fo you as well.
Staying Wordless on Wednesdays is not an easy task! Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Great picture. You could never be "wordless". LOL
Lots of Love, Your Sister
Precious children they are! I went on a mission trip to Jamaica and bonded so with the children there. Serving the Lord really lets us put our hearts out there!
I could never be wordless any day!
stopping by from SITS
Have a good day!
That is a great picture! Beautiful!
They are beautiful! Thank you for stopping by my blog the other day!
What a beautiful picture. Some pictures just can't be done wordlessly. Thanks for sharing this one. Thanks for visiting my blog too. :)
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