Sometimes when you are living a life with a chronic illness, it is really hard not to get very frustrated and discouraged, especially when that illness is invisible to others and they do not always understand how you feel and what you are going through. What is even more difficult to deal with for me is the fact that I feel very, very isolated and alone most of the time because I am homebound and bedridden. Plus, I don't usually feel well enough to have very many visitors. Many of the symptoms from my illness are not at all pleasant to deal with even with my own immediate family around, much less with extended family or friends who might drop by. Even when we do have the occasional guest, most of the time I just don't feel up to 'entertaining' them. And no matter what anyone says and no matter how sick someone is, you know we always feel the need to play host to our guests and make them feel comfortable in our home....even if it is just carrying on a conversation with them.
As I said, life with a serious illness is very frustrating and, honestly, very depressing. As the weeks, months and now even years continue to tick by, there are days when it is very hard to hold on to hope that things are going to get better. But just when I start to get really down and really depressed about it all, the Lord always allows some 'one' or some 'thing' to cross my path to remind me that there are, indeed, those who have circumstances much, much worse than mine and that there is so much hope in this world! He also reminds me that I have SO much to be thankful for!
This morning, I came across a video of an incredible man who has every reason in the world to be down and depressed! Most people in his position would probably hide out in their homes and never let anyone see them. Not this man! He is reaching out to others and letting them know that they are so special, just the way they are! He is truly amazing! Take a look.....
After that, I can't help but praise God for the things in my life that I am thankful for! Today, I am so very thankful for:
1) Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, who continues to show me His amazing love each and every day. He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own. (I love that hymn!)
2) My amazing husband who gets up before the sun each morning to prepare everything I will need for the day (and that's A LOT!) He works really hard all day and then he comes home and starts his second job...caring for me. He smiles all the time and never complains. He does little things like bring me flowers, cards and candy for no reason at all, except to show me he loves me. He hardly ever enters or leaves the room without asking me if I need anything. Yes, I am living the life of a Queen!
3) My three amazing daughters the Lord blessed me with, beginning with the oldest 24 years ago this coming Sunday. I am so thankful that she and I have re-established our relationship and that I get to see her and my grandsons a little more often than I used to. However, I wouldn't mind seeing them more. Hint, hint! :0)
4) My two youngest daughters who, like their father, work really hard at their day 'job' (school), and then come home and start their second (or third, for my middle daughter), taking care of their mom. They have definitely had to take on a lot of extra responsibilities since I've been sick and have given up a lot of the fun things they would like to be doing. However, they never let it get them down, or at least they never let it show. They just roll with the punches and keep on, keeping on. They, like their daddy, are always doing their very best to help care for me and make me feel as good as I possibly can.
5) My Mom, who I took for granted WAY too much when I was a kid, a teenager and even as an adult. I have just come to realize over the last few years just how AMAZING she really is. I have also learned more and more just how much she and my dad love me, and will do anything in the whole wide world for me. Their love for me is the epitome of unconditional love.
6) My incredible prayer warriors out here in blog-land, and those actually here around me 'in real life', who consistently get on their knees and intercede on my behalf. I appreciate your love and dedication more than you will ever know.
I have SO many more things I am thankful for, but those are at the very tip top today.
What are YOU thankful for?
Visit Sonya at Becoming a Strong Woman of God as a Wife, Mother and Friend to link up for Thankful Thursday.
What a bbeautiful post...Reminded me to count my blessings today...
We can always find so many blessings in our lives. I am thankful for my husband, daughter, and extended family. I'm thankful for my friends and my church. I'm thankful for freedom ... the list could go on and on.
God bless you today!
Thanks for the reminder. You rock and you are in my prayers. Stopping in from last week. You stopped at my blog for Follow Friday! I'm behind and playing catch up today! I'm your newest follower!
Stop back in today as I have my Follow Friday Link up! Come get linked! http://bit.ly/FollowMEiFollowU
A good friend is someone you do not have to entertain - but just sit quietly with on a porch swing, watching the traffic, the squirrels and the leaves blow in the wind! I'd do that for you!!! I think you are a blessing in the blogahood! That would be one thankful thing! I am thankful my husband is back from today - for Good - no more travelling. I am thankful God is stronger than I am and that both He and my husband see the vision for this challenging journey we are in. I am thankfful for all my sons who stretch me to be somebody more than I ever imagined I could or would be.
I think you should start a blog hop with this theme:)
That was an amazing video...and you are such a remarkable person Teresa! I constantly find myself being inspired by you!
I'm SO happy you started a Thankful Thursdays too! You will be AMAZED at how much God will transform your life as a result. He did with me, and I am thankful for that. I am praying for you, sweetheart. I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through so much with your illness, but take comfort in how much you are LOVED. Loved by family, as well as your many blog friends. I have no doubt that this will help to see you through those rough days. What a beautiful thing to still be positive in the midst of difficult times.
Wow, Teresa. It sounds like despite having your illness you have a lot to be thankful for! Your family sounds amazing! Praise God! Thanks for stopping by my blog snd for your sweet comments. I pray God uplifts you in a very real way this week.
Hi Teresa, visiting you again. Hope you have a happy weekend. I always pray for you. Happy weekend!
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