Unfortunately, though, that took everything I had in me and left me with absolutely no reserves. Sadly, I was unable to attend her graduation party on Saturday. I was just not physically well enough to make it. However, I DID make it to her graduation and I am so thrilled and very thankful that I was able to see her walk with her class to receive her diploma! I had to make a choice and that was definitely most important to me.
I had planned to write a little more about Morgan's graduation and party and include pictures but I just don't have enough energy today. Plus, I don't have the pictures we took just yet. My youngest daughter has them on her camera and she has been spending time at a friend's house. Hopefully, I will be able to share more with you in the next couple of days.
Thanks once again for your incredible show of love and support. I can always count on you. You ALL are truly amazing!
Been praying & will continue to! Glad you made it to graduation! Look forward to seeing pictures!
Yay! I am so glad you got to attend Morgan's graduation and the memories to cherish!
It sounds like she has had some pretty rough things happen to her in her life. I may not know her, but I still pray that she is okay now :) This was probably the most touching post I've ever read.
"You look absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait 'til baby Adam makes his appearance! I am definitely keeping you all in my prayers.
Teresa <><"
Aww thanks it's hard to feel pretty when I feel so big! haha! I am looking forward to wearing regular clothes again. :) Thanks so much for the prayers, only a 13 days til my due date!
I am so glad you made it to your daughter's funeral. God is good! Feel better soon!
Thanks, Kathryn. I know you are about to pop out a baby at any minute, so I'm sure that is why you typed that you were glad I made it to my daughter's FUNERAL...and not GRADUATION! LOL!
Thanks for the well wishes,
Teresa <><
Congratulations on Morgan's graduation, and I am so glad you were able to be present at this milestone.
Praying for you...
I'm so glad that you are better. YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING!!! Love, Kelly
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