** Due to the increasing severity of MY ILLNESS, it has become impossible for me to continue to post on a regular basis. Unfortunately, as much as I desperately long to, I am also unable to visit each of your blogs often or reciprocate all the loving, supportive comments many of you continue to leave - even though at times it may appear as though you've arrived at some long ago, forsaken blog! With that said, I really want you to know that I miss every single one of you and that I really am still here! I'm just too sick and too weak most days to be able to sit up long enough to create a brand new post...or even read one. However, I absolutely do receive AND read every new encouraging word you leave (and, often, the old ones, again and again!) and I cherish them now more than ever! I truly appreciate your love, support, and, most importantly, your precious time spent on your knees in prayer for my family and me. It ALL means the world to me and I am truly blessed to have friends like you!
~Hugs and Sister Love, Teresa

FYI: All comments come to my email, which I can easily read on my phone. I also enjoy Facebook on my phone because I can catch up on A LOT in a very short time there. Soooo, if you're on Facebook, come 'friend' me there! {{HUGS}} **

Monday, December 28, 2009


I know I said I wasn't going to post again until after the first of the year but I have a very urgent prayer request I'd like to bring before all my prayer warriors.

My cousin, Tommy, who is in his early 50s, has been sick for about a week. At first, the doctor thought he might have had a sinus infection. However, he never responded to the antibiotics and only continued to worsen. On Christmas Eve, he was hospitalized after being diagnosed with the H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Since that time, his condition has continued to deteriorate and now he also has bilateral pneumonia. Today, he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and was placed on a ventilator to help with his breathing. He is in very critical condition.

Please pray for Tommy as he battles this very insidious illness. Please ask the Lord to give him all the strength and comfort he will need to make it through. I'd also like to ask that you pray for my Aunt Dorothy, Tommy's mom, who has lost her husband (cancer), her older son (automobile accident) and her daughter-in-law (cancer) - all within the last 2 years. Please ask the Lord to give her, and the rest of the family, all the strength, grace and comfort needed to make it through the coming days. AND, that special PEACE that passeth all understanding.

Thank you so much for your continued love and support.


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Saturday, December 26, 2009


I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas Holiday! I'm having a really tough time physically and all the hustle and bustle of the various family get-togethers has left me extremely exhausted. However, it is all worth it because I am thoroughly enjoying being with my family as we celebrate the wondrous birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

I hope you will take a moment to listen to this precious song. I love it so much and I'm sure you will, too!


Please go visit Amy at Signs, Miracle and Wonders and hear more inspiring songs!

I will probably not be posting again until after the first of the year. I plan to take time to rest and recover and spend some fun time with my family while most of them are home for the holidays. I hope you all will have some time to do the same!

Thanks so very much for all the love and support you have shown me since I started blogging back in July. I truly appreciate it more than you can possibly know. I am really looking forward to the coming year so I can get to know each of you even more!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



Thursday, December 24, 2009


I know this time of the year can be so very painful for many, especially those grieving the loss of someone they love. A few years ago, not long after the death of a family friend, I received this poem in an email. It really spoke to me and has been very special to me ever since. Now, each Christmas Season, I always try to pass it along to those I know have recently lost a loved one. I hope by sharing it here, too, it will give a sense of peace and hope to at least one person who is hurting this Christmas Season.

'My First Christmas In Heaven'

I see the countless Christmas trees

around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular!
Please wipe away the tear,
For I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear,
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.

I can't tell you of the splendor,
or the peace here in this place.
Can you just imagine Christmas,
with our Savior, face to face?

I'll ask Him to light your spirit,
as I tell Him of your love;
Then pray for one another,
As you lift your eyes above.

Please let your heart be joyful,
and let your spirit sing.
For I'm spending Christmas in Heaven
And I'm walking with The King!

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
you know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my Heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory
of my undying love.

After all, 'love' is a gift
more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important
in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other,
as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessings
Or the love He has for you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear.
Remember, I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year!

~ Author Unknown

May the Love of Christ be a blessing to each
of you during this Christmas Season.

In Him,

Teresa <><

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


'For unto you is born this day,
in the city of David, a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord.'
~ Luke 2:11

Praise be to God for the most
precious gift ever given,
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour!

As we celebrate this Christmas Season, I truly hope and pray that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that you have already freely accepted His gift of Eternal Salvation. If you haven't and you'd like to know more about it, please feel free to contact me. I'd be thrilled to share it with you!

Thank you for joining me for my first Word-Filled Wednesday!

The purpose of Word-Filled Wednesday is to share the Lord’s word (no famous quotes or other literature — only the beautiful word of our Heavenly Father) through photos & a Bible verse!

Please join Susan at Forever His for more Word-Filled Wednesday Scripture.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


On a December night in Chicago, a little girl climbed onto her father's lap and asked a question. It was a simple question, asked in childlike curiosity, yet it had a heart-rending effect on Robert May.

"Daddy," four-year old Barbara asked, "Why isn't my Mommy just like everybody else's mommy?"

Bob May stole a glance across his shabby two room apartment. On a couch lay his young wife, Evelyn, racked with cancer. For two years she had been bedridden; for two years, all Bob's income and smaller savings had gone to pay for treatments and medicines.

The terrible ordeal already had shattered two adult lives. Now Bob suddenly realized the happiness of his growing daughter was also in jeopardy. As he ran his fingers through Barbara's hair, he prayed for some satisfactory answer to her question.

Bob May knew only too well what it meant to be "different." As a child he had been weak and delicate. With the innocent cruelty of children, his playmates had continually goaded the stunted, skinny lad to tears. Later at Dartmouth, from which he was graduated in 1926, Bob May was so small that he was always being mistaken for someone's little brother.

Nor was his adult life much happier. Unlike many of his classmates who floated from college into plush jobs, Bob became a lowly copy writer for Montgomery Ward, the big Chicago mail order house. Now at 33, Bob was deep in debt, depressed and sad.

Although Bob did not know it at the time, the answer he gave the tousled haired child on his lap was to bring him to fame and fortune. It was also to bring joy to countless thousands of children like his own Barbara. On that December night in the shabby Chicago apartment, Bob cradled his little girl's head against his shoulder and began to tell a story.

"Once upon a time there was a reindeer named Rudolph, the only reindeer in the world that had a big red nose. Naturally people called him Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." As Bob went on to tell about Rudolph, he tried desperately to communicate to Barbara the knowledge that, even though some creatures of God are strange and different, they often enjoy the miraculous power to make others happy.

Rudolph, Bob explained, was terribly embarrassed by his unique nose. Other reindeer laughed at him; his mother and father and sister were mortified too.

Even Rudolph wallowed in self pity. "Well," continued Bob, "one Christmas Eve, Santa Claus got his team of husky reindeer -Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixon ready for their yearly trip around the world. The entire reindeer community assembled to cheer these great heroes on their way. But a terrible fog engulfed the earth that evening, and Santa knew that the mist was so thick he wouldn't be able to find any chimney.

Suddenly Rudolph appeared, his red nose glowing brighter than ever. Santa sensed at once that here was the answer to his perplexing problem. He led Rudolph to the front of the sleigh, fastened the harness and climbed in. They were off! Rudolph guided Santa safely to every chimney that night. Rain and fog, snow and sleet; nothing bothered Rudolph, for his bright nose penetrated the mist like a beacon.

And so it was that Rudolph became the most famous and beloved of all the reindeer. The huge red nose he once hid in shame was now the envy of every buck and doe in the reindeer world. Santa Claus told everyone that Rudolph had saved the day and from that Christmas, Rudolph has been living serenely and happy."

Little Barbara laughed with glee when her father finished. Every night she begged him to repeat the tale until finally Bob could rattle it off in his sleep. Then, at Christmas time he decided to make the story into a poem like "The Night Before Christmas" and prepare it in bookish form illustrated with pictures, for Barbara's personal gift. Night after night, Bob worked on the verses after Barbara had gone to bed for he was determined his daughter should have a worthwhile gift, even though he could not afford to buy one...

Then as Bob was about to put the finishing touches on Rudolph, tragedy struck.

Evelyn May died. Bob, his hopes crushed, turned to Barbara as chief comfort. Yet, despite his grief, he sat at his desk in the quiet, now lonely apartment, and worked on "Rudolph" with tears in his eyes.

Shortly after Barbara had cried with joy over his handmade gift on Christmas morning, Bob was asked to an employee's holiday party at Montgomery Wards. He didn't want to go, but his office associates insisted. When Bob finally agreed, he took with him the poem and read it to the crowd. First the noisy throng listened in laughter and gaiety. Then they became silent, and at the end, broke into spontaneous applause. That was in 1938.

By Christmas of 1947, some 6 million copies of the booklet had been given away or sold, making Rudolph one of the most widely distributed books in the world. The demand for Rudolph sponsored products increased so much in variety and number that educators and historians predicted Rudolph would come to occupy a permanent place in the Christmas legend.

Through his years of unhappiness, the tragedy of his first wife's death and his ultimate success with Rudolph, Bob May has captured a sense of serenity. And as each Christmas rolls around, he recalls with thankfulness the night when his daughter Barbara's question inspired him to write the poem that closes on these lines: But Rudolph was bashful, despite being a hero!

Author, Lisa Copen, lives with rheumatoid arthritis and is the founder of Rest Ministries, an amazing Christian organization dedicated to serving those who are chronically ill. Lisa is also the author of 'Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend' and founder of National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. To find more articles similar to this one and overall support while living with a chronic illness and/or pain, please visit Rest Ministries.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Then Sings My Soul Saturdays:
Mary Did You Know?

Although it will take a few minutes, I would urge you to please take a few minutes to watch BOTH of these videos. You will not be disappointed!


Mary, did you know
that your baby boy will one day walk on water?

Mary, did you know
that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?

Did you know,
that your baby boy has come to make you new?

This child that you've delivered,
will soon deliver you.

Mary, did you know
that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?

Mary, did you know that
your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?

Did you know,
that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little baby,
you've kissed the face of God.

The blind will see
The deaf will hear
The dead will live again.
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of The Lamb.

Mary, did you know
that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?

Mary, did you know
that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?

Did you know,
that your baby boy is Heaven's Perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding, is the Great I AM!


May You All Have A

Very Blessed and Merry Christmas!

And Remember..


For more inspiring and uplifting songs, please go

visit Amy at Signs, Miracle and Wonders!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

In Loving Memory

Master Bryson Ross

Today's Wordless Wednesday is dedicated
to the memory of little Bryson Ross,
a sweet little boy who went to be with Jesus after
a tragic accident on Monday, December 14th, 2009.
Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

If you'd like to participate in this candlelight vigil,
join us at She Scribes to link up.

Monday, December 14, 2009


You've all probably seen those crazy Lexus 'December To Remember' commercials where the beautiful car sits outside with the giant red bow on top, then the unsuspecting new owner is totally surprised when they walk outside. Well, several years ago, I had my very own December To Remember!

You see, my husband had been out of work for a long, long time and our car was on its last leg. I never knew when it was going to break down and leave me and my girls stranded on the side of the road. My Dodge Intrepid had been a really awesome car, but it had traveled over 220,000 miles and was just barely hanging on by a thread. So, I started praying for the Lord to provide us with a new car, any kind of car. Somehow. Some way.

On Christmas Day in 2004, my whole family gathered at my parents' house, just like we always do. We ate our Christmas dinner and then got settled in to start opening up our Christmas presents. As my dad began opening his gifts, my sister informed him that his gift from her family was still in their truck because it was too big to wrap. As we were finishing up with the presents, everyone stood up and headed outside to see my dad's final gift. I told my mom that I would just stay inside because it was so cold and I really wasn't feeling too well. My mom and sister insisted that I come outside with the rest of the family. So, I reluctantly followed along behind the rest of the crowd.

As we made our way out the back door, I noticed a car in the driveway that had not been there when we arrived earlier in the day. It sat there all shiny and bright with a great big red bow on top! I just stood there kind of dazed and confused. I thought we were out there to see some tools my dad was getting and instead it appeared that someone was about to be surprised with a new car! Wow, I thought, how awesome for them! Then, before I could put things together in my mind, my brother-in-law threw a set of keys at me and exclaimed, 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!' I just stood there in shock for a moment and then the tears started coming. I could not believe what I was hearing....OR seeing! Everyone was standing there, obviously in on the surprise, and smiling back at me. It was for me!!

It was not a Lexus but it was still a very beautiful car! My sister and her (now ex) husband, who was the body shop manager at a major car dealership at the time, had worked very hard to find a car that was in excellent working order to replace mine. This almost-brand-new rental car had been involved in a minor fender-bender and was brought to the dealership. Neither the insurance company nor the rental company wanted to pay to have it repaired, so my BIL was able to buy it at a fraction of what it would have cost on the lot. He and my sister paid to have it totally repaired and completely repainted. They also had new tires, brakes and everything else needed to make it 'brand new'. Finally, it was detailed, inside and out, and then delivered to my parents house on a truck so that it would stay completely clean and beautiful until I saw it! It looked and smelled just like a brand spankin' new car! And it never cost me a penny.

I have never been so surprised in all my life. It truly was MY 'Lexus Red Bow Moment' and such an amazing blessing from the Lord!!

What is the most surprising gift you've ever received? Tell me about it in the comments!

Also, Target and TwitterMoms want to hear about your most surprising, interesting, sentimental, or creative gift you've ever received. You could win a $100 Gift Card from Target! Head over to TwitterMoms and get the details!


Friday, December 11, 2009


(at the end of a VERY long game day!)

Last weekend marked the end of our high school football team's season and, thus, the end of marching band season. Our football team went undefeated through the entire regular season and then continued all the way through the post-season to the semi-final playoff game! It was truly incredible! They fought hard and did such a tremendous job. However, in the end, it just wasn't meant for our team to make it one more week to the State Championship. We were really hoping and praying they would because we really wanted to see our team play and our band march in The Georgia Dome!

It was a very bittersweet weekend for our middle daughter, Mo - and for her parents, too! Mo is a senior this year, which means the loss last weekend marked the end of what has been a very important and exciting part of her life.

(Mo, in the middle, with her c0-drum majors this year)

When Mo started marching her freshman year, she was still very much a shy, reserved little girl still trying to find her place in the whole scheme of things. At the end of that school year, a 6 week drum major clinic was held in order to replace the current drum major who would soon be graduating. Plus, the band was growing so they were going to be choosing two.

(Mo on the left as a sophomore)

Although Mo would just be a graduating freshman, and it is highly unusual for an upcoming sophomore to be chosen, she faithfully went to the clinic and then auditioned for the highly coveted leadership position. Just a few days before school ended, Mo found out she and one other person had been selected! My, how fast things change!

She went on to lead the band the next three years. She is now a very confident and skilled, yet humble leader who is exceptional at her craft. She will be graduating in May and has plans to pursue a PhD in Music Education when she heads off to college in the fall.

We are so proud of her and we can't wait to see what the future holds!

We love you, MoMo!

Picture Source - MParker Photography

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I saw the following article on the Invisible Illness Awareness Week website over the summer and it really struck a cord with me. The biggest reason is because I used to be extremely passionate about those people who parked in handicapped parking spaces but, in my ever-so-holier-than-thou-professional-medical opinion, surely did not need them! HA! What does that Proverb say?? 'Pride goes before the fall'?? Yeah, that's it.

Since we are right here in the middle of the holiday shopping season, I thought I would post (with permission) this great article for you all. I hope that it will help EVERYONE to think twice the next time you see someone parking in one of those precious parking spaces who may not 'look' as though they 'need' to. Disabilities come in lots of different shapes and forms. Many are invisible to the untrained AND the trained eye. It is simply impossible to know if someone is truly disabled just by looking at them.

“Do you know the fine for using someone else’s handicapped parking permit is $300?”
“That parking spot is saved for the disabled! You should be ashamed of yourself!”
Nearly everyone with an invisible illness has been told, “You don’t look disabled to me!” One of my friends replied, “Well, you don’t look stupid to me.” I just bite my lip to try to prevent the tears from forming, broken-hearted that I appear to be deceptive, when I would do anything to give back this parking perk that I use on a rare occasion.
As I circle the parking lot a fourth time on this day I hope for a spot to open up within two-hundred yards of the store, but there is nothing remotely close at this bustling superstore where I need to buy my prescriptions and milk for my toddler. My rheumatoid arthritis is flaring badly, causing extra fluid in my knees to dislocate pieces of loose bones. Every step is painful and unpredictable.
Finally I sigh in resignation and pull into the farthest “blue parking spot.” I reach for the placard–the one that has a bold white symbol of a wheelchair–and no, I don’t have a wheelchair–yet. So after fifteen years of having this “privilege” at my disposal I still warily scan the area before reluctantly dangling the placard from the rear view mirror. Is there anyone watching, wondering, or waiting, ready to confront me?
I’ve had scathing notes left on my windshield and many people, empowered by television exposés, have approached me with their opinions. Judgmental expressions and whispers sting just as much. My husband and I adopted a baby and when I would get my child of the car I would avoid eye contact with onlookers because I could hear their whispers of, “She’s not disabled! Or–if she is–she has no right to have a child!”
Nearly 1 in 2 Americans (133 million) live with a chronic illness. It could be diabetes, cancer, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia or even chronic back pain. Many illnesses make walking long distances impossible because of limited lung capacity, physical pain, or unpredictable numbness in the legs. According to statistics provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, about 96% of these illnesses are invisible. There is no sign of the illness existing, nor the use of an assistive device like a cane or a wheelchair.
I began National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week in 2002, which is held annually in September, after witnessing thousands of people who had frustrations, fears, loneliness, and bitterness, about feeling invalidated. One’s illness, age, diagnosis, or level of disease degeneration, doesn’t change the emotional pain.
Strangers and loved ones alike doubt the severity of our illness or even the diagnosis. We’ve heard, “You look so good! You must be feeling better.” But we don’t feel better. We just bought some fake tan in a bottle and pasted on a smile.
National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week is a time to acknowledge that invisible illness is more prevalent than we’d imagine and everyone–both those who are healthy and ill–can make a difference by encouraging someone with an invisible illness, rather than tearing someone down.
Are those parking spots painted blue because they give so many people the blues? That small area of square footage is a breeding ground for many frustrations as we are forced to defend our illness and character to total strangers. I’d gladly trade in my placard indefinitely for just a week of having my old body back when I could run, sit on the floor, or even hold a fork without tendons popping out of place.
I anticipate the day when a nationally designated system is formed. Texas law states that blue placards are for those who use assistive devices; red permits are for people with a “condition that impairs mobility.” In other states, red symbolizes six months of disability and blue is permanent. It’s confusing! And for one with invisible illness, the wheelchair symbol discredits both our physical pain and–in the eyes of others–our reputation. Until then, we rely on Invisible Illness Week bumper stickers.
The next time you see a healthy looking man loading groceries into his car–parked in the “blue spot”–don’t glare. Stop and offer to help him, or just smile nicely, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Seventy percent of suicides have uncontrollable physical pain as a factor. Your smile may save his life. At the least, it will astonish him, perhaps providing him with genuine encouragement he hasn’t felt for months.

To find more articles and overall support while living with a chronic illness and/or pain, please visit The Invisible Illness Awareness Website or Rest Ministries! Lisa Copen is the director of Rest Ministries, author of 'Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend' and founder of National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Breath of Heaven

I've always loved this amazing song by Amy Grant. It is written from Mary's perspective and really gives us a true idea of how she must have felt as she prepared to give birth to her son.....to our Lord and Savior. The Son of God!


I have traveled many moonless nights
Cold and weary, with a babe inside
And I wonder what I've done
Holy Father you have come
And chosen me now, to carry your son.

I am waiting, in a silent prayer
I am frightened, by the load I bear
In a world as cold as stone
Must I walk this path alone?
Be with me now, be with me now.

Breath of Heaven, hold me together
Be forever near me, breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness
Pour over me your holiness, for you are holy,
Breath of Heaven.

Do you wonder when you watch my face,
If a wiser one should have had my place?
But I offer all I am for the mercy of your plan
Help me be strong, help me be strong,
Help me be strong, help me.

Breath of Heaven, hold me together
Be forever near me, breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness
Pour over me your holiness, for you are holy.

Breath of Heaven, hold me together
Be forever near me, breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness
Pour over me your holiness, for you are holy.

Breath of Heaven,
Breath of Heaven,
Breath of Heaven,
Breath of Heaven...

Please go visit Amy at Signs, Miracle and Wonders to hear more wonderful, inspiring Christmas songs! It's time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The View From My Chair

Due to my illness, I am confined to a recliner
all day long, while my family is away.

This is my amazing view from my chair
during my absolute favorite season, Fall!

So when I start to dwell on just how
rough I feel life has become...

I love to look out these windows...

from inside this beautiful home
the Lord has entrusted to my family and me.

I am very blessed, indeed!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009



I can't believe it has already been 2 whole years since my youngest grandson was born. Two. Short. Years. But, then again, sometimes it seems like was an eternity ago. So much has happened along the way. It has been a very rocky road at times.

For those of you who know me 'in real life', you know that I have not seen my two amazing grandsons very much at all in their short lives and that has been so incredibly hard for me. However, things have been looking up a bit lately and I have had the blessing of being able to spend some time with them and their mommy, my oldest daughter. I could not possibly be happier where this is concerned.

18 Mos

This is the very first year of Little Bit's sweet little life that I've been able to see him around his birthday and actually give him a birthday present - in person! It was a couple of weeks ago, but I'll definitely take what I can get!

God is most certainly an awesome God and I am so thankful for His new mercies. Every. Single. Day.

2 years


Mimi Loves You!

P.S. I haven't been feeling very well. My illness has
had me tightly in its grip, but I wanted to get this done
for my Little Bit's special day today, December 1st.
I truly hope you ALL had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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