I found this very special meme when Marina at Energizer Bunny Mommy Reports so kindly mentioned my daughter and me when she chose her song for 'Then Sings My Soul Saturday'. Marina is one very special lady!
The song I chose for today I am dedicating to my cousin, and one of my very best friends, Anita. She is an amazing lady and I love her very, very much! Anita just lost her husband, Ramon, after a very valiant battle with cancer. Anita is a an incredible singer and has sung to me since I can remember. In the early days when she started singing at church and at other functions she used to love to sing Sandi Patty's songs. The one I chose for today is one that I remember her singing and I think is very appropriate for today. I hope you enjoy it.
Anita, you are in my thoughts and prayers today. I love you very, very much!
The creator of this meme is Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders. Please take a moment to check out her blog. It is great!
(ETA: I accidentally deleted this post and had to recreate it. I hope I included most of what I had in the initial post.)
I'm sorry for your cousin's loss. :(
I'm so sorry for all the unhappiness in your family. The loss of your counsin's husband is something I just can't imagine. My heart goes out to your daughter and I know how painful that must be for you. We always cringe inside when "anything" happens to our children, but a major problem is really heartbreaking. My prayers will be with you.
Thank you for the beautiful video today. She truly has pipes! Very beautiful and touching. Appropriate for a Sunday afternoon.
The only assurance we have is knowing we will see our loved ones again when we cross over to the Heavenly shore.I pray God's comfort envelope Anita now and His Peace calm her hurting heart. I'm sorry your family is going through a difficult time now.
(Weeping shall only last for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning- may this be your encouragement)
I am telepathic and I know something...I know that at 12:01 a.m. on 9/7/09, there will be TWO things for you at my blog ♥
Thanks for being my bloggie friend.
I am so sorry to hear about your cousin's husband. I also just learned that your daughter had been diagnosed with the same disease as you. I hope that you both are handling things okay.
Take Care.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
My heart goes out to you and your family. Sending prayers and positive vibes your way.
Sorry that hard times are coming your way. I took some time to pray for your cousin and for you and your daughter. Appreciate your song choice; serves to remind us that we live in an imperfect world that has pain but the day is coming when we'll see Jesus face to face and spend eternity with Him!
Teresa, wishing Anita much sympathy for her loss. I know you are all being held in the deepest Love.
Your family.
So much heartache lately.
Your in my prayers.
Sweet dreams.
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