I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our family. His name is Casper and he is a purebred Pomeranian, just like our Keanu was. We have had him a little over a week and he is now 12 weeks old. D took him today for his first Vet visit since he has been with us and he weighed in at a whopping 3 lbs and 10 oz! When he is fully grown he should be around 5-6 lbs.
I knew even before Keanu died that I wanted another Pom. They are great companion dogs and I like that they stay really tiny. Casper is doing very well with us so far and he is getting along great with our other dog, Sadee, a 3 1/2 year old lab mix. It only took them about a day of getting to know each other. They have really been playing and having a great time together. I’m really excited to have him here.
Isn’t he cute???

Here he is, checking out Sadee….

Sadee is curious…
Sadee, watching from a distance….

All in all, it has been a great experience so far. Sadee always wanted to ‘play’ with Keanu but he was a ‘grumpy old man’ and wasn’t much for playing. Now Sadee is having a blast chasing and being chased by Casper. It has been lots of fun to watch! I still miss my Keanu but Casper is making things a little easier.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Hi there - thanks for stopping in! Your new little puppy is so cute - if I were to ever get another house animal, that is the kind I would want, but like you and your first dog, I don't want anything else after our cat goes.
Sorry to hear you've been in such poor health lately - I'll be thinking of you and hope you feel better soon -
Come back to visit any time - you're always welcome here!
Oh - P.S. that lady with the car - she was so cute - and packing that "piece" - to funny. I bet those car guys just shudder when they see her driving up!!
That little black face... What a cutie pie! I can only imagine the fun you will have with him!
He is so cute! I'm glad you jump right back in and opened your home and heart to another pom.
What cute dogs! Don't labs just love anything, though?! You couldn't lose--LOL
I love the colors and patterns on your blog! I love that green! Where'd you get it done?
O.M.G. I am so jealous! Your new furbaby is adorable!!! I've always wanted an orange pom!
Well, I'm not really into dogs.
But your new puppy is adorable.
Sweet dreams.
Stopping by from SITS...
What a cute little addition to your family! Such a sweet little face!
That is so sweet and so adorable! I'm glad things are going well for you and your new pet. :)
Thank you for stopping by my blog and thanks for letting me know that you had a hard time finding out how to comment on my blog. I decided to change the layout. When I have the time, I'll see if I can change it to make it easier. Thanks again. :)
Awww he's CUTE! Better not let my kids see him!
Tania (via SITS)
Adorable! I love little dogs! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a BIG comment hug. I'll be checking in again soon. :)
I'm glad YOU were after me in roll call today. It feels like it was meant to be! I'm sorry to hear about your health but hear only good things about Vanderbilt so I'm glad you come to Nashville for treatments. You will be in my thoughts and I hope only the best for you!
Your new puppy is the cutest thing!! I'm sure you are taking photos like crazy.
Please visit again, you are always welcome!
Have a great weekend.
The new pup is adorable, but so is Sadee. I love dog stories, being a dog lover myself (I have a dachshund, and a dachshund-bassett hound mix). Saw your comment over at maryleigh's...that's how I found your blog.
May God comfort you over the loss of your beloved Keanu. I know how it feels to lose a furry "son" or "daughter", happened to me many years ago.
Will be back to read more. I love blogs that are personal and transparent, like yours.
I've read your post about your illness, too. May God keep you close to His heart.
Teresa, thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting today. I read your posts including the one you left me. I do know that when a door slams shut, a window opens. Sometimes the door breaks our leg while shutting and the window slaps us in the face, but it still opens! Unselfishness, Love and a Positive Attitude will help you make it through everything. No matter how rough life is, if you have those three ingredients, you will be well on your way to being A-O-K. Make the most out of every day, because truly, that is all we have...this moment...this instance. You might as well be happy with it instead of wasting it and watching it disappear. So keep your chin up! My blog will hopefully help motivate you and give you a chuckle.
Have a lovely day. Enjoy your puppy. Bury your face in the fur and just love the little thing!
Hi, Teresa, thanks for the recent comment & the email. Blessings to you!
OMG, Casper is so cute! And so is Sadee. They seem to be getting along just fine. I know you and Sadee are going to enjoy Casper:)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come back often!
Oh my gosh, too sweet! What a cute puppy! Love them both getting to know one another, just adorable!
Oh my goodness, both of them are just gorgeous dogs! I love Casper and he is such a cutie!
He's so cute! I love the one of the dogs looking at each other!
Just stopping by from SITS! Have a great day!
Becca @ My Perception of Life
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