** Due to the increasing severity of MY ILLNESS, it has become impossible for me to continue to post on a regular basis. Unfortunately, as much as I desperately long to, I am also unable to visit each of your blogs often or reciprocate all the loving, supportive comments many of you continue to leave - even though at times it may appear as though you've arrived at some long ago, forsaken blog! With that said, I really want you to know that I miss every single one of you and that I really am still here! I'm just too sick and too weak most days to be able to sit up long enough to create a brand new post...or even read one. However, I absolutely do receive AND read every new encouraging word you leave (and, often, the old ones, again and again!) and I cherish them now more than ever! I truly appreciate your love, support, and, most importantly, your precious time spent on your knees in prayer for my family and me. It ALL means the world to me and I am truly blessed to have friends like you!
~Hugs and Sister Love, Teresa

FYI: All comments come to my email, which I can easily read on my phone. I also enjoy Facebook on my phone because I can catch up on A LOT in a very short time there. Soooo, if you're on Facebook, come 'friend' me there! {{HUGS}} **

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
~Jeremiah 29:11

I'm usually so glad to finally see and feel the beginnings of fall! The bright colored leaves, the brisk, cooler temperatures, especially at night, and all the wonderful fall activities I love so much. It has ALWAYS been my most favorite time of the year, second only to the few weeks surrounding Christmas.

However, this year, it has been very different. Even though each individual day seems to last an eternity, I can't help but notice how quickly the days (actually, the whole year!) are passing by. Although I could not wait for summer and its hot, humid and sticky days to be over and done with and I had been looking SO forward to my beloved FALL, this year it just hasn't been quite the same.

I think part of it is because I have been so sick that I have spent almost every day of the last several weeks in bed. I also think it is because I have been spending a HUGE portion of my time alone.

The start of college and working on the weekends has consumed most of Morgan's time, so she has been away a lot. That has been hard on her Mama! I really miss her! Plus, as always, fall is a crazy busy time as far as high school marching band is concerned. This is the 5th year we've had a child in it, so you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but this year it has been unusually difficult. Along with her sister, Rebekah also has been gone a ton because of the extensive practices, weekly games and marching competitions. Then, although I am SO thankful my husband has a wonderful job with awesome benefits, he works in Alabama (we live in GA) and has to leave home around 5:30 or 6:00 am and often does not get home until 7:00 or 8:00 in the evening.

That is A LOT of time to be alone. To think. And to think. And to have a lot of one person pity parties.

I try to stay positive. I try to remember that I'm really not alone. I try to concentrate on the fact the Lord really DOES have a purpose and a plan for me and my life and that all of this is part of it. But some days are just SO hard! Some days I have such a hard time understanding how any of this has purpose or could possibly fit into any plan! But, I know that I am not God and I can't see the big picture in His plan for His Kingdom. So, I just cling to the promise that He DOES have a purpose for me and my life. I cling to the hope He gives me. And remember that He is not finished with me yet.

I would really appreciate your continued prayers. On the weekend of October 8th, Rebekah has a band competition in North Georgia. David and I are trying to plan a belated celebration for our 20th Anniversary
(just an extra few days stay, ALONE in a nice area hotel up there in the mountains) to coincide with the competition. I would like to ask that you specifically pray that we can work out all the details that will make it possible for me to be able to make this very special trip and that the new meds I'm taking will help me feel well enough to go. This is a HUGE request but I know anything is possible with God!!

Thanks so much!



The purpose of Word-Filled Wednesday is to share God’s word through photo or graphic image combined with a verse from the Bible. Word-Filled Wednesday is not about books, authors or artists, it’s about God and HIS WORD ONLY. If you’d like to join me and other ladies as we share our Word-Filled Wednesday, just click on the icon below.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


On a very hot and humid evening, 20 years ago this past Wednesday (September 22nd), I married the man of my dreams, the GENTLEman I believe with all my heart the Lord created just for ME!

Our beautiful wedding took place at my 'home church', in Riverdale, Georgia. I literally grew up in that amazing church. I spent SO much time in that great big, majestic place as I grew from an infant into an adult. I crawled around in the nursery there as a wee little baby. Our grandparents always took my siblings and me to Sunday School and 'big church' every weekend. I attended VBS every summer as a child and later helped teach the little ones as a teen. I even received my very first 'real' kiss there and discovered my first 'love' there when I was about 12 or 13. I asked Jesus to come live inside my heart when I was 13 and was then baptized there shortly after. Once I was in junior high, I became part of a phenomenal youth group, filled with passionate, dedicated leaders and young people. I truly enjoyed spending time there with some of the most awesome people in this world, each of whom left a mark on my life and heart, in their own special way....and I will never forget any of them. Some of my life-long BFFs were made there and, although we don't get to see or talk to each other nearly as much as we would like, they are still very much part of my life.

Those days a RFBC were truly some of THE most special days in my life and I wouldn't trade the memories we all made together there for anything in this world! Therefore, when it came time to pick a location for our wedding, there was really no other choice! I asked David what he thought and, even though it was 30 miles from where we lived (and still do), he agreed.

The ceremony was fairly simple but was just absolutely perfect! I’ll never forget the look on my man's handsome face as I walked down the aisle (which suddenly seemed as though it was at least a mile long!), holding on to my Daddy for dear life and shaking like a leaf! When David and I finally took each others hands, he was smiling and I'm pretty sure I saw a few tears of joy trickle down his face, just like they were mine. What I didn't know was that he had a very special surprise waiting for me as we exchanged our vows.

You see, David and I had gone to pick out our wedding bands a couple months before the wedding. I already had my engagement ring, a beautiful three-quarter carat marquise diamond solitaire. When we were shopping, I saw the most GORGEOUS ring guard that has a ton of beautiful diamonds in it. (Remember, it was 1990 and those were all the rage back then). It was so beautiful and I just had to try it on with my solitaire. Of course, then I didn't want to take it back off! :o) However, it was absolutely too expensive for our meager budget because it was 18 karat gold and had a half carat of diamonds in it! So, we settled on a nice gold band for my soon-to-be husband and a beautiful gold ring guard for me, one that wrapped around the solitaire, not dissimilar to the one the I had fallen in love with, but without all the bling!

On our wedding day, someone came to the bridal dressing room, the way we had planned, to get my engagement ring, so it could be put together with the wedding band for the service. I thought absolutely nothing of it. Then, during the ceremony when it came time to exchange rings, David took from his dad, his best man, my ring and began to place it on my finger. OH. MY. GOODNESS!! It was not the smaller, plain gold band that I was expecting, but the BIG, GORGEOUS ring guard with all those gorgeous, sparkly diamonds in it. I was so shocked and so thrilled, I could hardly finish the ceremony because I was definitely in tears by then! :o) It takes a lot to surprise me, but he truly pulled it off, BIG TIME!

I love reminiscing about our wedding day. It’s hard to believe that our marriage has endured for just less than half my lifetime. Since that amazing day 20 years ago, it has been a very long, often winding, bumpy road. We've both gotten lost a time or two and been too stubborn to ask for directions until we absolutely had to. I would definitely say we've seen far more 'worse', 'poorer' and 'sickness' than 'better', 'richer' and 'health'. We have suffered unbelievable trials, pain and heartache that most people will never, ever experience, even if they were to live to be one hundred, but we have also experienced lots of love, happiness and immeasurable joy that only the Lord can give.

We've discussed all of this on numerous occasions and we always come to the same conclusion; we wouldn't trade these past 20 years for anything in the world because the Lord is the ONLY One who knows the plan for our lives. He is the only One who can see the whole picture, not us. We know He uses everything, the good and the bad, in our lives to mold us into the people He wants us to be and to bring glory to His Kingdom. We would never want to interfere with that!

As I've told you all countless times, I am so blessed and thankful to call this man my husband. He takes care of me no matter what. These last few years of my illness have been very hard, but he takes in all in stride. He treats me like a Queen and loves me despite how sick I am and how much this sickness has taken away from us. He constantly reassures me that he loves me and that he isn't going anywhere. That gives me such a sense of peace.

If you made it this far, thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I truly appreciate it. I'm going to attach a song by Alan Jackson that I have always loved since the very first day I heard it. It truly speaks to me and I think it really describes the life David and I have made and lived together.

Click on video to enlarge for better viewing!


By: Alan Jackson

Remember when I was young and so were you
and time stood still and love was all we knew
You were the first, so was I
We made love and then you cried
Remember when

Remember when we vowed the vows
and walked the walk
Gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard
We lived and learned, life threw curves
There was joy, there was hurt
Remember when

Remember when old ones died and new were born
And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged
We came together, fell apart
And broke each other's hearts
Remember when

Remember when the sound of little feet
was the music
We danced to week to week
Brought back the love, we found trust
Vowed we'd never give it up
Remember when

Remember when thirty seemed so old
Now lookn' back it's just a steppin' stone
To where we are,
Where we've been
Said we'd do it all again
Remember when
Remember when we said when we turned gray
When the children grow up and move away
We won't be sad, we'll be glad
For all the life we've had
And we'll remember when

Happy 20th Anniversary, Baby!
I love you with all my heart and soul....and I always will.


Monday, September 20, 2010


This past week, September 13th -19th, was National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week, sponsored by Rest Ministries. Nearly 1 in 2 people are living with a chronic condition, with about 96% of those people suffering silently with invisible illnesses. Therefore, the purpose of this worldwide effort, held annually in September, is to bring together those who live with invisible chronic illness and the people who love them. Organizations are also encouraged to educate the general public, churches, healthcare professionals and Government officials about the impact of living with a chronic illness that is not visually apparent. There are many ways to get involved in this campaign including blogging for the cause, joining the campaign on Facebook, completing & posting the meme '30 Things You May Not Know About My Invisible Illness, etc.

Since I was not feeling well at all last week and was unable to participate, I decided that I would do a post in honor of it today, just a tad bit late. Since I completed and posted the '30 Things You May Not Know About My Invisible Illness' meme last year and then revised and reposted it in June for the Day of Visibility, I decided to repost another favorite post of mine....


I recently saw this article on the REST MINISTRIES website. I thought it was really neat and would be very helpful for those who have a close friend or family member who is chronically ill.

Being sick, homebound and bedridden has made me feel increasing isolated and lonely. Most of the time, I just don't feel up to having visitors but yet I still feel lonely. It's kind of hard to explain, but I'm sure there are others out there who are experiencing these same feelings.

Since I became sick, I have slowly lost contact with most of my 'real life' friends. All of my closest friends know how much I dislike talking on the phone. (That has been the case long before I became so sick.) I think that, coupled with the fact that they know how extremely sick I've been, has caused most of them to fade into the background.

Occasionally, I will get an email or my husband will get a phone call from one of our friends saying they really want to come visit and/or help in some way but they just haven't known what to do. When that happens, it is usually difficult to think of something to say or to be open and admit that there IS something we need.

I'm sure we are not alone, so I thought I would share this really great list I found with you. I think it might be helpful for those of you who have a loved one who is ill and you have been searching for some way to show them you care and would like to help.

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Lois Wyse once said, 'A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.'

Little ways of reaching out make all of the difference to someone who is hurting, especially when the illness is chronic. It's rarely the "size" of the task, but the simple fact that you made an effort and remembered him or her in your thoughts.

Here are 50 creative ways to encourage a chronically ill friend, excerpted from 'Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend' by Lisa Copen.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1. Ask, "What events in your life are changing and how are you coping with the changes?"

2. Understand that she lives in a constant state of making decisions for which there is no guarantee that she is making the right choice.

3. Offer to bring meals and put them in disposable containers. Attach a note saying "This doesn't need to be returned."

4. Add stickers to envelopes for a cheerful touch.

5. Arrange for your friend's kids to have a night with your children.

6. Don't make a person into a project.

7. Ask, "Would you be willing to talk to a friend of mine who has recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness and offer her some encouragement?" It makes one feel good to know that her experience can offer someone else hope and that God still has a purpose for her life.

8. Wash his car and put a little note inside for him to find later.

9. Remember important anniversaries, both the good and the bad. No one else will.

10. Ask, "Do you want company the day that you wait for the test results? I could come over for a couple of hours."

11. "No matter how little you have, you can always give some of it away." ~ Catherine Marshall. Just listen . . . until it hurts to not say anything. And then listen some more.

12. Ask her, "How do you feel God is working through-or despite-this illness in your life? I'm interested."

13. Ask, "What do you wish people understood about your illness?"

14. Don't make her feel guilty about things that she cannot do.

15. Treat her to a gift of movie rentals via postal mail through a service ($7-15 a month).

16. Ask, "Would you be comfortable with having your name on a prayer list, so that others can pray for you?" Don't assume.

17. Instead of saying, "I will pray for you," say, "I'd like to pray for you right now, if that's okay."

18. Mop the floors.

19. Ask if she would be interested in writing something for the church newsletter, maybe even about the subject of living with chronic illness.

20. Buy a brightly colored umbrella as a gift.

21. Ask, "Do you have an errand I can run for you before coming over?"

22. Ask her to do spontaneous things, like go to a concert in the park, or just for a picnic. She may be more likely to participate since she knows if it's a good day or a bad day. Don't be upset if she has to say no.

23. Don't say, "So, why aren't you healed yet?" or "I wonder what God is trying to teach you that you just aren't learning!"

24. For a unique gift, provide brightly colored paper plates, napkins, and utensils in a gift bag with a note that says "For when you don't feel like doing dishes."

25. Get her a pretty box to keep all of her notes of encouragement. Remind her to get it out and read things when she is feeling down.

26. Be her advocate. If you are at an event and walking/seating is an issue because of her disability, ask her if she'd like you to take care of it. If she says you can, be firm but not rude. Don't embarrass her by making accusations of discrimination or by making a scene.

27. Ask, "Would you be interested in a prayer partner from our church?"

28. Purchase matching coffee mugs for you and your friend, and then commit to pray for one another each morning while using them.

29. Say, "While you're in the hospital I'd be happy to take care of your pet."

30. Don't tell her about your brother's niece's cousin's best friend who tried a cure for the same illness and. . . (you know the rest).

31. Find out which charity is most important to her and then give a donation in her honor.

32. Ask, "What are your top three indulgences?" and then spoil her soon.

33. Hold the door open for her. They are heavy!

34. Don't tease her and call her "hop along" or "slowpoke." Comments you mean in fun can cut to the quick and destroy her spirit. Proverbs 18:14 says, "A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?"

35. Say, "I know you must need someone to just vent to occasionally. I may not fully understand how you feel, but I'm here to listen anytime."

36. Ask your church youth group to come over and clean up the yard during seasonal changes.

37. Don't ask her, "How are you able to make it financially?" If she wants to share a burden she will.

38. Ask, "What would you advise me to look for in a new doctor?"

39. If your friend has a disabled parking placard and you are driving, allow her to tell you where she wants to park. If she's feeling particularly good that day, she may not want to park in the "blue space." Don't be disappointed that you'll have to walk farther.

40. Don't gossip about others. She'll wonder what you say about her. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (Ephesians 4:29)


Proverbs 25:11 says, "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Be kind, gentle, and respectful.


41. Accept that her chronic illness may not ever go away. If she's accepting it, don't tell her the illness is winning and she's giving in to it.

42. Don't say, "Let me know if there is anything I can do." People rarely feel comfortable saying, "Yes, my laundry." Instead pick something you are willing to do and then ask her permission. Try the coupon in back!

43. Ask her to share her testimony at an event.

44. Buy a magazine subscription for her on her favorite topic.

45. Plant a rosebush to view from a window.

46. Understand that you don't need to know all of the details about the illness in order to be helpful. He'll share with you what he's comfortable with you knowing.

47. Don't ask, "Why can't the doctors help you?" or insinuate that it must be in her head. There are millions of people who are in pain with illnesses that do not have cures.

48. Avoid having gifts be "pity gifts." Just say, "I saw these flowers and their cheerfulness reminded me of you."

49. Send tapes of church services your friend misses to her with a copy of the bulletin and a note.

50. If she doesn't have a cordless phone, get her one. Phone headsets are also nice.

That's 50! Do you have any special ways you have reached out to someone special in your life who has been in need due to a long-term illness or injury?

To learn more about National Invisible Illness Awareness Week, click HERE. Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have an amazing week!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;

and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;

the flames will not set you ablaze.
~ Isaiah 43:2

Dear Friends,

I'm still trying to get adjusted to my new meds and it has been really, really tough. I hope you will continue to hang in there and not give up on me.

As always, I love and miss you all...and truly appreciate your continued encouragement and prayers.

Because of Him~


The purpose of Word-Filled Wednesday is to share God’s word through photo or graphic image combined with a verse from the Bible. Word-Filled Wednesday is not about books, authors or artists, it’s about God and HIS WORD ONLY. If you’d like to join me and other ladies as we share our Word-Filled Wednesday, just click on the icon below.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Too Many Heartbeats Dysautonomia

Some may consider this video a bit graphic as it contains actual images of what occurred on September 11, 2001. In my opinion, EVERYONE should watch this occasionally, just so we don't ever forget exactly what happened to our country that day.

Click on Video To Enlarge

'Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)'

By ~ Alan Jackson

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Out in the yard with your wife and children
Working on some stage in LA
Did you stand there in shock at the site of
That black smoke rising against that blue sky
Did you shout out in anger
In fear for your neighbor
Or did you just sit down and cry

Did you weep for the children
Who lost their dear loved ones
And pray for the ones who don't know
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below

Did you burst out in pride
For the red white and blue
The heroes who died just doing what they do
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
And look at yourself to what really matters

I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Teaching a class full of innocent children
Driving down some cold interstate
Did you feel guilty cause you're a survivor
In a crowded room did you feel alone
Did you call up your mother and tell her you love her
Did you dust off that bible at home
Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened
Close your eyes and not go to sleep
Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages
Speak with some stranger on the street
Did you lay down at night and think of tomorrow
Go out and buy you a gun
Did you turn off that violent old movie you're watching
And turn on "I Love Lucy" reruns
Did you go to a church and hold hands with some stranger
Stand in line and give your own blood
Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family
Thank God you had somebody to love

I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith, Hope and Love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is Love

I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith, Hope and Love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is Love

The greatest is Love
The greatest is Love

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day?

Alan Jackson is from my hometown and went to the same high school as my two youngest daughters. His sister, Connie, was my oldest daughter's principal in elementary school. Although I'm not a huge country music fan, I really love his music and have loved this song since the very first time I heard it. In fact, you really should get a tissue before you listen to it, especially if you've never heard it before. I believe the lyrics help us to never, ever forget the heroes of 9/11 - the thousands of people who lost their lives in NYC, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania, the loved ones they left behind and all the amazing people who risked their own lives to help their fellow Americans. We will NEVER forget!

On September 11, 2001 at 8:45 a.m., I was working at an OB/GYN office, assisting 7 female physicians. I was tidying up a room after my patient left when another employee came in and told me that one of the towers had been struck. From that point on, we started watching the news on the TV in our office. A couple hours later, the docs let us cancel all the afternoon appointments so we could go home and be with our families. I could not wait to get home!

When we got there, we sat in front of the TV and watched the news over and over and over. I was SO scared because we live very close to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. It is literally THE busiest airport in the WORLD! I just knew something was going to happen here, too! Thankfully, it did not.

Where were YOU??


For more inspiring and uplifting music, please visit Amy at SIGNS, MIRACLES AND WONDERS!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sunday, September 12th

Today I was surprised to learn that Sunday, September 12th is Grandparents Day! Grandparents Day began in 1978 when the United States Congress passed legislation proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day. (It is celebrated in the United Kingdom on the first Sunday in October and in Canada on the 2nd Sunday in September.) The proclamation was signed by President Jimmy Carter and September was chosen for the holiday, to signify the "autumn years" of life. The flower of Grandparents Day is the "Forget-me-not." (Shown Above) Each year, more and more people are learning that this is truly a legitimate holiday and are beginning to celebrate it as such.

Now being a VERY young and hip grandmoth....um, I mean, Mimi myself, I was excited to learn about some amazing deals going on that will allow families to celebrate this very special occasion AND save money at the same time. Of course, I just had to share them with you!!

Here are some Grandparents Day Special Meal Deals going on around the country:

* The Old Spaghetti Factory is offering free meals for grandparents, September 12th -14th. Diners are eligible for one free grandparent meal per entree purchased.
* Boston Market - Two free kid's meals with the purchase of an adult entree. This offer is courtesy of Grandparents.com and Boston Market. Simply print out this coloring page and have your grandchild(ren) color it. Then, bring it to one of the participating Boston Market Locations and enjoy up to two free Kids Meals with an adult meal purchase. This promotion is valid through September 19th.
* Chick-Fil-A at Mall of Georgia - Come celebrate Grandparent's Day on September 10th by getting a FREE Entrèe when you show us a picture of your grandchild(ren). (This is just for FRIDAY since Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays.)

Other great deals include:

* The Atlanta History Center is offering one free youth ticket for every paid adult to
GrandCamp Adventures. GrandCamp Adventures is hosting a day of special activities from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Atlanta History Center to make this year’s Grandparent’s Day, Sunday, September 12th, something to remember. The Atlanta History Center is offering one free youth ticket for every paid adult so everyone can come and participate in this wonderful event.

* Georgia's Flint RiverQuarium in Albany, Georgia. The Flint RiverQuarium is offering free admission for one grandparent with paid admission for a child on Grandparent's Day, September 12th.

* Raleigh's Marbles Kids Museum - Sunday, September 12th - Grandparents accompanied by a grandchild will receive free admission to the museum and IMAX on Grandparent’s Day. Special activities throughout the museum will celebrate grandparents, and the IMAX Theatre will feature special showings of Toy Story 3 in IMAX 3D. (IMAX tickets must be purchased onsite. Seats are limited)

* Tampa's Museum of Science and Natural History - Celebrate Grandparent's Day at MOSI! Free admission for one grandparent on September 12th, 2010 - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - with the purchase of a full-priced general admission child ticket.

* Sacramento's Fairytale Town -
Sunday, September 12th - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm - Celebrate the 32nd anniversary of national Grandparents Day at Fairytale Town! Grandparents who visit Fairytale Town on this day, accompanied by a grandchild ages 12 and under, receive free admission to Fairytale Town!

Of course, I can't possibly list ALL the amazing deals I have found, but most cities are offering something similar to these. Just check your favorite spots for freebies. Oh, and ALWAYS read the fine print!! You don't want to get any unwelcome surprises.

What are some other ways to celebrate or acknowledge this holiday?

  • Send a card or write a letter to your grandparent(s) telling them what makes them special to you. (I did this a few years ago and I'm so glad I did!)
  • Visit your grandparent(s) and have them tell you their favorite stories about their childhood. Maybe go through old pictures and photo albums as you are talking. Grandparents LOVE to reminisce about the good old days and those stories can become favorite memories for you, as well. Think about videoing them as they are sharing stories about their life. (I really wish I had done this with my Granny before she got so sick and passed away. It is an awesome way to preserve those precious memories.)
  • Take your grandparent(s) on an outing. Most grandparent really enjoy this, too! If you decide to do this, be sure to take into consideration their age, health status and likes/dislikes. Make sure it is about them, not you.
  • Buy Grandparents Legacy Journals and give them to all the Grandparents in the lives of you and your children. Most of these journals contain questions for grandparents to answer 'that explore family history, childhood memories, lighthearted incidents, cherished traditions, and the dreams and spiritual adventures encountered in a lifetime of living. The written words become windows to a grandparent's heart.' (This is something I plan to do soon!)
  • If you don't have grandparents, 'adopt' one!! There are lots and lots of elderly people out there who have no family to help care for them or even visit them to help them feel loved. You can easily find these people at church, your local nursing home, etc. Once you find someone, visit them often and maybe bring flowers to brighten up their living space. Send cards to them with words of encouragement to make them smile. If they are able, take them shopping or to dinner once in awhile. Above all, just show them you care about them and that they still have purpose for being here. You will be surprised at just how much more YOU are blessed by doing this than your 'adopted grandparent'!! (My mom and dad have done this a lot.)

'The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth,
whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers of mine, you did for me.'
~ Matthew 25:40

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Grandparents Day!!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Our Miracle Boy!!

In my haze of pain and nausea, I almost forgot that today, Wednesday, September 8th, is my youngest nephew's 4th birthday!! I can NOT believe he is already four, but it is true! About this time 4 years ago, our whole family was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital, right outside of the Labor and Delivery area, waiting on our little 'miracle boy' to finally make his grand entrance into this world. And, yes, he truly is a miracle!!

You see, my brother and sister-in-law were married in 1998 and began trying to conceive almost immediately after they settled in as a newlywed couple. However, month after month, then year after year, they remained unsuccessful. Both went to a variety of specialists and each doc did a whole host of tests on each of them in a futile attempt to figure out what was going on. My poor sister-in-law went through a million different procedures and took a ton of different medications, all in hopes of having their own baby. However, no matter what they did, they just could not get pregnant.

Fast forward to 2006 - At this point, they had pretty much exhausted all efforts of having a baby of their own without spending ridiculous amounts of money, which they really did not have, on more invasive procedures like IVF. Therefore, they started to consider adopting and/or becoming foster parents, which would also be expensive, but they thought the odds of finally having a child were much, much greater. I can remember one particularly long phone conversation with my brother about this and listening to him discuss their options. Then, just a week or two later, God showed up BIG TIME, like He always does, to prove that HE is the One in ultimate control of these things and HIS timing is always best!!
As it turns out, when my brother and I were talking, my sister-in-law was already pregnant!

For You created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You because I am
fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from You
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together
in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in Your book
before one of them came to be.

~ Psalm 139:13:16

Eight years, one month and seven days after my brother and sister-in-law said, 'I DO', they became the proud parents of a precious little baby boy. That little boy is now a little man and he is the light of their lives and an incredible blessing to our entire family...even if he IS a bit silly!! :0)

Landon will be celebrating his birthday on Saturday and he is having a 'Toy Story' party, I believe. Boy, I miss those days when my girls were little ones and enjoyed those kinds of parties!! They just grow up SO fast!


'To Infinity and Beyond!'

Uncle David, Aunt Teresa, Morgan and Bekah


Answer me when I call to You,
O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
Be merciful to me and hear my prayer
~ Psalm 4:1

Hey everyone,

I found this scripture and it could not be more perfect for today. After seeing the doctor on Friday, I have been trying some new meds. They have made me extremely nauseated, but are definitely helping with the pain. Praise the Lord! The side effects are supposed to go away after a few weeks. Please help me pray they do, because I REALLY need to be able to tolerate this medication!!

I hope you all are enjoying your week. Thanks for your continued visits and sweet comments. Each and every one of them truly bless me and make me smile!

Love you all!


The purpose of Word-Filled Wednesday is to share God’s word through photo or graphic image combined with a verse from the Bible. Word-Filled Wednesday is not about books, authors or artists, it’s about God and HIS WORD ONLY. If you’d like to join me and other ladies as we share our Word-Filled Wednesday, just click on the icon below.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Too Many Heartbeats Dysautonomia

In my anguish I cried to the LORD,

and He answered by setting me free.
~ Psalm 118: 5

Click on Video to Enlarge

~ By: Nicole C. Mullen

Ain't got no halo, no wings to fly away

I've got to labor, for many many days
I'm on a journey, I'm looking for a place
To rest by burdens, far from this tyranny

From the shores of Africa
Up to the doors of America
With voices to Heaven praying for liberty

We cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Said, we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Yeah, we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Yeah, we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)

We marched in 'Bama
We marched in Tennesee
Brown men and white men
Stood for equality

We kept our chin up
We kept our dignity
And our proclamation
Let everbody sing

From the shores of Africa
Up to the doors of America
With voices to Heaven praying for liberty

We cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Said we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Lord, we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Yeah, we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)

Up on Golgotha, hanging upon a tree
They say the God-man, died for my liberty

He heard me crying,
from my captivity
And so He came down,
down to deliver me

Woah woah woah woah

We cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Said we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Lord, we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Oh, we cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)

Our hearts cry freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
My heart cries freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
Your heart cries freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)
His heart cries freedom
(Freedom, freedom, freedom)

I really love this song! My daughters and I used to sing and 'dance' to it as we rode in the car on long trips. It sounds SO amazing when you turn it up REALLY LOUD while listening to it on a stereo/CD player with really awesome bass. It has a fun beat and a really wonderful message.

I'm sorry I haven't posted much at all this week. I know I sound like a broken record, but the last few weeks have been just miserable for me. Thankfully, I was able to make it to my doctor's appointment yesterday and I think the visit went very well. He is changing up some of my meds and is going to be working on a few other things to help me that sound promising. When I am feeling a little better and stronger, I will share about it in more detail. Until then, PLEASE don't give up on me!! I miss you all and can't wait to get back to hopping around to all your blogs and visiting with you!!

I hope everyone has a truly wonderful and blessed weekend. Oh, by the way, is it starting to feel Fall-ish where you live? We are definitely enjoying some nice cooler, less humid weather here. Tonight the temps are supposed to be down in the mid 50s! I'm really excited about that! Take care!!



For more inspiring and uplifting music, please visit Amy at SIGNS, MIRACLES AND WONDERS!


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